Guaranteeing Access to Excellence for All

Current Projects

Current Projects

Current Projects

Current Projects

There is a lot to look forward to at ETHS!

Evanston Township High School (ETHS) is embarking on an exciting new chapter in its history as it officially launches the Leadership Phase capital campaign, heralding a transformative era in education. The Centennial Campaign has been thoughtfully crafted, with the expertise of architects Perkins & Will, to fund an ambitious project: the expansion and renovation of the original arts wing, turning it into the cutting-edge Arts and Innovation Wing.

Superintendent Dr. Marcus Campbell, a driving force behind this endeavor, enthusiastically shares, “This campaign is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about fostering creativity, innovation, and the limitless potential of our students. The Arts and Innovation Wing will be a hub for exploration, collaboration, and the cultivation of talents/skills that will shape our students’ futures.”

The campaign reflects the school’s unwavering commitment to providing its students with state-of-the-art facilities that match their boundless aspirations. This investment will enable ETHS to continue offering a world-class education that prepares its students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. It will be grounded in the guiding principles set forth in the Superintendent’s vision: post high school planning, social-emotional learning, literacy, and racial equity.

“The goal is for students to be better prepared for whichever path they choose post high school, college or career,” said ETHS Executive Director Joanne Bertsche, “Expanding and integrating the arts and STEAM education, including business, technology and health career preparation, will help achieve the high school’s vision.”

​New & Improved Facilities

  • This year the Foundation is supporting student futures by creating a new health science center that will expose students to careers in nursing and medical technology. Students will be able to obtain certifications in a growing and evolving field with endless career opportunities.
  • The Foundation will also be transforming the South Community room into a dynamic, flexible, future driven multi-purpose learning space. Soon to be dedicated as Alumni Hall, the new learning environment will combine leading-edge digital technology and modular furniture that ignites collaborative learning to unleash unique intellectual and social energy. These two dynamic spaces will instill pride and inspire today’s Wildkits to follow their own dreams.

Support This Year’s Projects

Health Science Center

Acoustic Enhancements

Foundation Impact

Mission Moment